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Anura Brand Guidelines

Using the Anura Logo

We love when our partners and clients showcase their relationship with Anura! To ensure brand consistency, please follow our guidelines when using our logo. Do not modify, distort, or alter the logo in any way. If you need an approved version or have any questions about usage, reach out to us at darwin@anura.io.


Use the height of the type² as a guide for clear space around the logo.



The Anura icon can be used as an icon, and singularily as a decorative element.


Anura Blue 1

Pantone 801C
CMYK 74/36/0/0
RGB 0/145/234
HEX #0091ea

Anura Blue 1 is the primary blue, used for headlines, subheads and to highlight important points within the body copy.

Anura Blue 2

Pantone 2995C
CMYK 66/17/0/0
RGB 0/176/255
HEX #00b0ff

Anura Blue 2 is the secondary blue, used together with Anura Blue 1.

Anura Blue 3

Pantone 298C
CMYK 58/5/0/0
RGB 64/196/255
HEX #40c4ff

Anura Blue 3 is the tertiery blue, used together with Anura Blue 1 & 2.

Accent Teal

CMYK 55/0/6/0
RGB 32/227/255
HEX #20e3ff

Anura Teal is the quaternary blue, used together with Anura Blue 1, 2 & 3, only within the blue gradients.

Anura Gradient

Any or all of the blues can be used together in a gradient.

Accent Green

CMYK 78/0/100/0
RGB 0/184/46
HEX #00b82e

Accent Green is the primary accent color, used for primary call-to-actions and links.

Accent Orange

CMYK 9/78/100/1
RGB 221/90/0
HEX #dd5a00

Accent Orange is an accent color, used to highlight ancillary information, like page names and notifications.

Accent Yellow

CMYK 0/22/100/0
RGB 255/199/0
HEX #ffc700

Accent Yellow is a secondary accent color to be used sparingly.

Dark Blue

CMYK 100/73/25/8
RGB 0/80/130
HEX #005082

Dark Blue is used as a background color, or when a dark contrasting color is needed.


CMYK 100/100/100/100
RGB 0/0/0
HEX #000000

Black is used for headlines.

Darker Gray

CMYK 68/61/60/49
RGB 62/62/62
HEX #3e3e3e

Darker Gray is used for body copy.

Dark Gray

CMYK 57/49/48/16
RGB 110/110/110
HEX #6e6e6e

Dark Gray is used as a background color.

Primary Gray

CMYK 41/33/33/1
RGB 158/158/158
HEX #9e9e9e

Primary Gray is used as a primary color alongside Anura Blue 1.

Light Gray

CMYK 5/3/3/0
RGB 239/239/239
HEX #eeeeee

Light Gray is used as a background color, in conjunction with White, to separate sections of content.


CMYK 0/0/0/0
RGB 255/255/255
HEX #ffffff

White is used as the main background color.

Light Blue

CMYK 7/1/0/0
RGB 238/252/255
HEX #edfcff

Light Blue is used as a background color.