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How to Balance Policy Updates and Company Growth

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A few months ago, we were facing a tight deadline with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the aftermath, we see that the race toward GDPR compliance shed a light on a problem the digital industry faces frequently: stoppage. When a policy change occurs, it requires you to stop what you’re doing, and allocate your team and resources to get it done. As a result, your business comes to a grinding halt.


Stopping normal day-to-day tasks can have negative ramifications on a business’ productivity and revenue. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are a couple tips for how to handle a sudden policy update and still keep the machine running. 


Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

Growing up, you were told not to wait until the last minute to do your homework. That sage advice is still applicable today. Most of the time, we aren’t completely caught off guard when a policy update is needed. In fact, with GDPR we were warned well in advance of the May 25, 2018 deadline.


Related Post: Top 5 GDPR Fails


With any required new policy changes or even updating your terms and conditions, don’t wait until the last minute to implement them. Start working on a game plan as soon as you learn about the impending policy. Create benchmarks to ensure the project will be completed before the deadline.


How to Delegate Effectively

Source: Seapointcenter


And don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to key team players. Sharing the workload will enable your employees to balance their workload, enabling them to keep doing their daily tasks while still completing the policy update.


Reach Out and Compare Notes

When new regulations come out, it’s tough because you aren’t 100% sure what to do because it’s brand new. Navigating GDPR was (and still is) tricky due to a variety of factors (e.g. personal vs non personal data). For many businesses, they took a wait and see approach.


Related Post: IP Address: Why GDPR’s Ruling Is Wrong


However, it’s better to be proactive. Consider reaching out to non-competing businesses and leadership groups to bounce ideas off of. You’ll be able to see how they’re approaching the policy changes and implementing them into their businesses. And in turn, you may find something that can help you.


Team Working Together Pexels Photo

Source: Pexels


While you can’t always predict the next big policy change, you can be prepared. Follow these tips, and your business will be ready to roll with the punches. Besides, before you know it, we’ll be dealing with the Consent Act next.